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Россия, Москва, русские традиции /english/
Англия, Лондон, праздники и традиции в Англии /english/
Первый опыт работы /english/
Рельєф та ландшафтна організація
Розробка многоконтурной системи автоматичного керування шахтними котельними установками
Государственная служба в Российской Федерации
Государственное управление как объект административно-правового регулирования
Государственные служащие. Исполнительная власть
Административно-правовой статус иностранных граждан
Административное право в Российской федерации
Анализ состава административного правонарушения
Темы на английском /english/
Decembrists in Zabaikalye
My favorite season
Newspapers and magazines
Relief of the UK
Административно-правовое управление социально-культурной средой
Административно-правовой статус РФ
Административно-правовой статус граждан
Мой будущий дом /enblish/

British holidays
Culture in Great Britain
John Grisham's book ”The Firm”
Learning a foreign language
Micki Mager selbst
Micki Mager und seine Freunde (“Bergfreunde”)
My district and my flat
My favourite holiday
New methods of coal burning
Russian country-life
Sports and games
The library of our institute
The weather in Great Britain
Theatre in Great Britain
Мое хобби /english/
Aus Lenins Leben
Aus der Geschichte Berlins
Bundesprasident: Funktionen bei der Gesetzgebung und bei der Verwaltung
Die Geschichte Leipzigs
Die Wahl des Bundeskanzlers. Das Mitrauensvotum
Die zentralen Bundesorgane: Der Bundesrat
ETS450WLL Wireless Access System
Mein letzter Kinobesuch
Meine Ferien
My breakfast
My working day
Was wollte der Autor in seinem Marchen sagen?
Zur Organisation der Gerichte in der BRD
Das heutige Berlin
Aral Sea—What Was and What Is
Die Sehenswurdigkeiten Leipzigs
Die Verhandlungen im Bundestagsplenum
Die mundliche Verhandlung. Die Einigung der Parteien
Gesetzgebung in der Bundesrepublik
In der Bibliothek
Leipzig als eine Messestadt
Омоложение организма. Проблема геронтологии
“Die Abenteuer des Werner Holt” nach Dieter Noll
“Doktor Robert Hartung” nach Yuri Brezan
“Egon und das achte Weltwunder” nach Joachim Wohlgemuth
Die Bundesregierung. Der Bundeskanzler
Die Organisation des Bundestages
Ernst Thalmann
In der Mensa
Verteidigung des Beklagten

Decline of ukrainian statehood and culture (1712-1783)
High education in Great Britain
Irkutsk State University
Mass media
My career in the future
Staatsorgane des Bundes
The British at leisure
The British people
Zivilprozes in der BRD
Теория потребительского поведения. Предельная полезность. Кривые безразличия
A country across the channel
About Lobachevsky
Europe in the Middle Ages
Francis Bacon
Great scientist (E.W. Dijkstra)
Human rights
International organizations and international co-operation
Mark Twain
Mathematics as a science
Museums and picture galleries
Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland
Richard III
Russian literature
University Computer center
My Favorite Book
My Favorite Part of Town
My first journey
Net Culture
Susie’s Problem Page
The protection of the environment

April Fool's Day
Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930)
Books in Our Life
Capitals of USA
Discovery of the New World
I like to travel
Introducing Yourself
John F. Kennedy
My grandmother country house
Science in the 20th century
St. Valentine's Day
The 8th of March
The uniqueness of the British
Yuri Gagarin (1934-68)
A bridge to understanding
Christmas Day
Foreign languages are useful and needed
I want to be a teacher
May Day
Music in our life
Russian Federation (Russia)
The Future: A Must for Our World Community
The United Kingdom Of Great Britain And Northern Ireland
The history of Christmas
Travelling by sea
Visiting Theatres
Watteau, Jean-Antoine
West, Benjamin
Whistler, James Abbott McNeill
Zurbaran, Francisco de
“Proper education”
How Scotland fought for its independence
King Alfred the Great
Places of interest in Ukraine
Relations between Ukraine and English-speaking countries
Robin Hood
Robin Hood and The Sheriff
Robin Hood's love
The constitution of Ukraine
The political system of Great Britain
The political system of Ukraine
USA on attack
Ukraine: Geographical Position
Your pastime and hobby
Agatha Christie
Air pollution
Climate of Ukraine
Der Bundeskanzler
English writer: William Shakespeare
How did I spend last summer?
Kiev, Khreschatyk
Learning foreign language
Robin Hood and Norman Barons
The climate of Great Britain
The pride of the nation
There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes
U.k. political system
United Kingdom: Geographical Position
Why was Washington made the capital of the United States?
Zaporozhye: The city in which I live
Customs and traditions
Keepihg fit and doing sports
My friend
My home is my castle
Political system of US
Robin Hood and the Butcher
The Russian Federation
The Shirkov Parish
The UK education system
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland. The land and the people.
The fastest computers of the world
Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)
Traditions and customs
About Theodore Dreiser
Advantages and disadvantages of television
Fenist The Bright Falcon
Ilya Murometz
Micki Mager und seine Tanten
Our country
Sports and healthy lifestyle
The Fire Bird
The Frog Princess
The Golden Fish
The Golden Hair Girl
The Scarlet Flower
Outstanding personalities
Problems of the youth
Russia's achievements
School years
Sports in Great Britain, the USA and Russia
THE Growing Influence of English Mass Culture
The United Kingdom of Great Britain
What is better watching sports or participating in sports?
20-th century music styles
Andrei Sakharov
Culture of the youth
Education and future profession
Keeping fit
Leisure time
Reading books
Russian political system, history and culture
Tsar Saltan
Which languages are the hardest to learn?

A holyday which went wrong
A new weapon shooting from behind a corner is invented in Israel
Estonian Towns
Les freres Montgolfier
London - the capital of Great Britain
Mademoiselle Chanel
New Zealand
Review of Bill Gates’s book ”Business @ the Speed of Thought”
Talking about Estonia
There is Nothing LikeVisiting Narva
What type of toys do the kids prefer nowadays?

American and British Schools
At the Doctors
At the Theatre
Der Bundesrat
National Sports of Great Britain
Pets in Britain
Sport in our life
The 20th century art
The British Educational System
The Ecological Crisis: A Myth or Reality
The Kremlin
United States of America
“Rain Man” - Movie Review
Books and Reading
Business Trips
Cities of the USA
Environmental problems
Happy New Year
Holidays in Great Britain
Holidays, Travel and Tourism
My School-Day
My favourite TV program
New Year's day in England
Television and advertisement
The Hermitage Gallery
The Weather and Climate Fluctuations
Turner, Joseph Mallord William
US Congress
Washington, DC
"Moscow News"
British and American Families
Climate of Great Britain
English traditions
My daily programme
My family
My last day off
My school-2
Some facts about London
The Book I've Just Read
The British Parliament
The commonwealth of Australia
The lesson of English
Vegetation and wildlife
William Blake
Art, museums and galleries
English country-side
English schools
Eyck, Jan van
Eyck, Jan van: altarpiece in Ghent
Eyck, Jan van: portraits
Fantin-Latour, Henri
Fauvism between 1901 and 1906
Meals and cooking
Means of communication
My future profession
The British Press
What will be there in my new flat
A visit to a sick friend
Education in GB
Fragonard, Jean-Honoré
Friedrich, Caspar David
Gris, Juan
Gros, Antoine-Jean
Grunewald, Matthias
Guillaumin, Jean-Baptiste Armand
Hals, Frans
Heian Art
Hiroshige, Ando
Olympic games in London
Summer holidays
Holbein, Hans the Younger
Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique
Japanese Art and Architecture
Jongkind, Johan Barthold
Kamakura Art
Kandinsky, Wassily
Klee, Paul
La Joconde. Leonardo da Vinci
Legros, Alphonse
Modigliani, Amedeo
Momoyama Art
Monet, Claude
Moreau, Gustave
Morisot, Berthe
Munch, Edvard
Murillo, Bartolomé Esteban
Muromachi Art
Pollock, Jackson
Pollock, Jackson: Action painting
Pop Art
Pure Abstraction
Renoir, Pierre-Auguste
Tissot, James
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel
Rousseau, Henri
Sargent, John Singer
Seurat, Georges
Signac, Paul
Sisley, Alfred
The Italian Renaissance (1420-1600)
Towards Abstraction
Velazquez (or Velasquez), Diego
Vermeer, Jan
Veronese, Paolo
Музеи и галереи искусств /english/

Amis ou leurs parents
Fuseli, Henry
Gainsborough, Thomas
Gauguin, (Eugène-Henri-) Paul
Ghirlandaio, Domenico
Giotto di Bondone
La France est un pays a la fois agricole et industriel.
Leonardo da Vinci
New Year
Книги /english/
Национальные стереотипы /english/
Татарстан /english/
Einfuhrung german
English - topics
Malevich, Kasimir
Malevich, Kasimir: Suprematist Compositions
Marc, Franz
Matisse, Henri (Emile-Benoоt)


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